Meaningless Means of Production

January 05 2023, by Matt Perez

It used to be that the bad guys were the owners of the means of production, but that is not the problem. Not today.


For Karl Marx, the bad guys were the owners of the means of production. “The means of production” has not ever been the deep problem and it certainly is not today.

There were bad guys and they did a lot of obvious harm, but beneath all this bad stuff, there was a system that rewarded their competitive and dominant behavior. It is still going on today, but with a nicer face.

In fact, it has been nameless, but we now call it the Fiat system. Capitalism is a child of Fiat.

What went out with the bathwater is dignity. We confuse status for dignity and attaboys for recognition.

In the Radical-based model,

  • Your peers recognize your contributions.
  • Your contributions are made tangible.

The RADs! Mobile App

This is exactly what the RADs! app does,

Recognized Contributions

It lets everybody recognize what they see as your contributions. You may even be surprised by what others see as near superhero behavior. They can do this fairly and efficiently because they are working side by side with you.

Conversions The app converts these recognized contributions to RADs.
Tangible RADs determine your percentage of whatever is being distributed, more likely dividends.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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