The Radical Seed

January 18 2023, by Matt Perez, Adrian Perez

The Radical model includes a Foundation and it is more like a seed than a tree. You do not know how it is going to develop.


The Radical model includes a Foundation that is more like a seed. You do not know how it is going to develop. It doesn’t specify the number of branches or the quality of the fruit that it will grow. But it will grow.

We hope to be surprised by what others come up with.


The Radical model revolves about its Foundation,

Principles Meaning & Belonging
Commitments Decentralization & Transparency
Practices Experimentation

How this is implemented will depend on each community. Will co-owners speak up when they are making a decision away from decentralization? Will they notice and say something about a decision that is taking them away from transparency? They are co-owners and it’s up to them to shape the company.

A Baby Tree

Like the tree that grows from the seed, you hope for the best, but each will grow up differently depending on the co-owners.

By: Matt Perez, Adrian Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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