We Are Blind to It

January 07 2023, by Matt Perez

Today the problem is not the colonialism of distant lands. The BIG problem is the self-colonialism of our minds. It makes us blind to the Fiat system we live in.


There was the colonialism of distant lands. That was the big problem then. Today, the BIG problem today is the self-colonialism of our minds. It makes us blind to the Fiat system we live in.


  • We assume that the Fiat system is a forever thing and cannot be changed.
  • We feel its impact, but can not see the source of it.
  • The Fiat system remains invisible to us.

We did not even have a name for it, so we called it Fiat.

Radical Foundation

Rather than a system where you have to remember rules and whatnots, we focused on an easy-to-remember Foundation. They also happen to be closer to the root of what we think is important (i.e., thus Radical).


To start to move away from Fiat, consider co-management,

  • No bosses or employees
  • Decentralized management: everybody is a co-manager
  • The RADs! mobile app
  • Explicit relationships
  • Explicit alignment
  • Explicit profile

But co-management is not enough. We also need co-ownership.


Ownership is a human invention, a tool for living in society. That is my tooth brush, but we can share the tooth paste. The problem with Fiat ownership is that it is centralized.

Instead, consider co-ownership,

  • Co-ownership is decentralized.
  • Co-ownership is based on recognized contributions
  • everybody who contributes is a co-owner
  • There is a RADs! Mobile App that helps you recognize contributions.
  • the RADs! Mobile App converts recognized contributions to RADs
  • RADs make contributions tangible.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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