The Radical Atomic Composition

February 13 2023, by Matt Perez

The Radical molecule is made up of the recently discovered atoms: Foundation, PRI, Explicit Alignment, The RADs! mobile app, and Explicit Relationships. That is it, so far.


The Radicalium molecule is made up of the of the recently discovered atoms,

  • Foundanium; The Radical Foundation.
  • Alignium: Generated by Explicit Alignment.
  • RADsidum: Generated by the fission-powered RADs! mobile app.
  • Trustagreedium: Generated by Explicit Relationships.
  • PRInium: Defined by each individual co-owner, the Predictable Recurring Income replaces fixed wages.


Generated by the Radical Foundation,

people Meaning & Belonging
commitments Decentralization & Transparency
practices Experimentation


Generated by Explicit Alignment,

what for?
What impact they want to make (i.e., be remembered by). For example, Improve people’s health.
Why are we doing this for? For example, Easy to get, healthy foods.
What are doing, when, and how? For example, We already have a partner farm that will harvest by the end of April. We mean to sign up the first 100 customers by the end of March.


RADs determine your level of co-ownership dynamically. These RADs are generated by the fission-powered RADs! mobile app which makes it easier for co-owners to recognize contributions made by other co-owners.


An Explicit Relationship is a guide to an exploration among co-owners to make sure that 1) they can get aligned and 2) they want to work with each other. Even if this is somebody you know very well, do not skip going through the Explicit Relationship. It may turn out to be perfectly boring or you may discover surprises along the way.

  • Who are you? How do you show up?
  • Why do you need others?
  • What do you feel we need to agree on?
  • What are your red lines?
  • Anything else?
  • What gets you angry?
  • What shuts you up?
  • What makes you excited?
  • What we really need to know is what does each of the above look like?
  • How would we know if you are angry, feel shut up, or excited?
  • Anything else?
  • What are your biggest fears?
  • Do you speak up? How?
  • Do you need to be given permission to speak? You didn’t ask me!
  • Anything else?
  • What is meaningful to you?
  • What gives you joy?
  • How can we help you collaborate with us?
  • What stops you on your tracks?
  • How can we avoid doing that?
  • How do we know when you are collaborating? How do you show up?
  • What impact do you have to have?


You may not need a Predictable Recurring Income fund, but if you do, fund it with a Radical Investment.

We developed PRInium because anything like shares in the business gives away power over decision-making and will likely become an obstacle to your business. Keep taking PRInium

The Molecule

Radicalium, the Radical Molecule, and it elements have potential beyond our wildest dreams. Our Lab will continue to work on it.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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