What About People Who Don’t Care?

January 12 2023, by Matt Perez

Maybe that is what has worked for them. In any case, they want others to know that they don’t care.


Talking about co-management, the questions came up as,

What about people who don’t seem to care and just want to be told what to do?

This may be because that’s what has worked for them.

But if I do what the boss says, I can’t be blamed. He may yell at me, but when heads roll, it won’t be mine.

It maintains the status quo, and the great majority of people don’t expect any more than the status quo. So, you must find a way to help people learn the alternatives.

Preaching, Shaming, and Pressure

Preaching, shaming, and pressure are not going to work, either.

This will be really good for you! Preaching and coercing are not going to help.
What kind of silly question is that? Shaming and force are not going to help.
Just try it for a while and you’ll see how good it is. Pressure, another form of force, is not going to help, either.

Respond from Love

Respond, not react, to statements like this from love, not blame. For this to work you’ll have to show your commitment to their success in the Radical environment. Lead with learning.

  • What else do you need to know?
  • How does it feel to you?
Definitely Ask
  • What would make you feel that you can trust these RADICAL people and their ways?
  • How would you test it?
  • What would be a first small step for you?
Keep Asking
  • What can I do?

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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