RADICAL Units of Measure

We need a recognition unit-of-measure in additions to RADs.

Units of Measure

In our book, RADICAL COMPANIES ∇  we came up with RADs as a unit-of-measure. It turns out that we also need a unit-of-recognition.

A Unit of Distribution

RADs account for what has so far been unaccountable. They quantify contributions as given by co-owners.

At distribution time the percentage of RADs you have factors the amount of, say, Earned Dividends (i.e., money) you get.

As we tried to use RADs in the early versions of the RADs! app, it got too clumsy and cumbersome. Co-owners would end up adding and subtracting RADs, which is exactly what we didn’t want. We wanted to capture the feeling intensity that an observed contribution brought up.

A Unit-of-Recognition

To make the app easier to use, we needed a unit-of-recognition. So we changed the app!

The RADs! app now lets co-owners press a recognition button as many times as they feels like it. This captures the emotional intensity we wanted.

At the end of the cycle, the RADs! app converts recognitions to RADs,

  • The number of recognitions co-owner A gave to other co-owners is divided by the total recognitions she gave during the period.
  • Each resulting percentage is then multiplied by the total number of RADs in the cycle (i.e., co-owners get one RAD per day).
  • This results in the number of RADs each co-owner gets from co-owner A.

The picture depicts a simple equation. As recognitions come in, the app divides the number of recognitions per perco-ownerson by the total number of recognitions I have given. This is multiplied by the number of RADs I have received during this cycle. The result is the number of RADs I am giving to each of my peers.


  1. Matt Perez, Adrian Perez, Jose Perez. RADICAL COMPANIES: Without Bosses or Employees. 2021. <https://radicalcompanies.com>

By: Jose Leal, Adrian Perez, Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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