Mandarins and Butterflies

September 02 2022, by Chabeli Atahuaman

The Fiat way colonizes your mind in the most insidious ways. Sometimes, it simply doesn’t let you enjoy a mandarin. But you can make your own way, and you can fly.

I have just been gifted this beautiful story. It details how little by little you end up making your own life smaller and restricted. How you internalize the Fiat mindset and end up with a life interrupted, never letting yourself grow and mature.

But you can find the strength, inside yourself, to fly.

I just came to a realization and I am writing to flush it out in my own head.

I’ve realized that until a few days ago, I’ve spent my whole life hurting myself emotionally. To give you an example, I’ve always been the type of person that if I tried a new food and I didn’t like it, I would still finish it. I would think, you spent money on this, you have to make that money worth something. Finishing it would make it feel bad, but I felt I didn’t have an option but to finish it even though I wasn’t enjoying it. Recently, a friend told me that if I didn’t like it, I didn’t have to finish it. And I should not feel bad about it either: I tried something new to find out if I enjoyed it or not and if I don’t like it, then I won’t order it next time.

Her words made me realize that I had normalized worrying about money most of all and putting money at the top of all my priorities. For big decisions, that wasn’t always the case, but for smaller, day-to-day decisions money was the overriding consideration.

I have been here for a year and I have bought mandarins only once. Once! And only because they went on sale, otherwise I would not have bought them. But back home I bought mandarins almost every day because it is my favorite fruit. Here the little voice in my head told me that I could not have the pleasure because mandarins are too expensive and I couldn’t afford them.

These little decisions have been hurting me. They have made me feel bad and lead to the conclusion that I don’t deserve the things I like. Money has taken over and I have not been able to live my life according to what I really want for myself. I am having a toxic relationship with myself, making myself feel bad for a while and then trying to make up for it, to compensate excessively: that has been the cycle of my life. When I accomplish something it feels that I am not worth it. The accomplishment itself seems unreal; maybe that was not an accomplishment after all. Or maybe it is not minded and I should not feel good or happy because something bad can come to take it away.

I am starting to realize that I am bringing myself down with a mindset of reward and punishment. I have also realized that I haven’t had a quality life and I’ve been afraid to even think about it because of money. But coming to this realization has made me stronger. I am more sure of myself and the little voice in my head can’t derail me because I now understand that money is a means, not an end.

I went to the supermarket two days ago and guess what: I bought mandarins, even though they weren’t on sale!

I am making small changes, one step at a time and I feel I am on my way to live my own life. It is a bit ironic that it was this easy to do, that it was so difficult to realize how toxic conventional [Fiat] organizations are. Most of all, I was surprised that I could not see how it was affecting me.

Now my larva is on its way to becoming a butterfly :)

By: Chabeli Atahuaman
Co-founder RADICAL World


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