We Remember, Therefore We Are

October 12 2022, by Matt Perez

We remember what we feel. We dont’t forget what hurts or what we love.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou ∇ 


We remember what makes us feel something, anything: the horrific, the joyful. ∇  We dont’t remember specific words or actions, but we dont’t forget what was so hurtful or what was lovingly said.

This is what came up after reading Consciousness as a Memory System. It describes the authors’ theory of “conciousness as memory,”

Consciousness is directed toward an object; it is about something (ie, intentionality). We experience consciousness as unified, as one experience, rather than as separate experiences of sights, sounds, smells, thoughts, feelings, and so on (ie, unity). We have the capacity to be conscious of some things and not others (ie, selectivity). Objects of consciousness are there transiently; the contents of consciousness tend to change (ie, transience).

Andrew Budson, Kenneth Richman, Elizabeth Kensinger.
Consciousness as a Memory System.

After reading Conciousness, I went to sleep with a lot of questions bouncing in my head. How do we choose what we remember vs what we never commit to memory? What urges us to spend the energy of building one memory and not another? I believe that what guides us is our feelings.


By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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