Lazy. Greedy. Cowardly.

January 13 2023, by Matt Perez

Lazy. Greedy. Cowardly. These are the words of gloating and shaming.

You lost because you are lazy.

Greedy bastard, aren’t you getting paid enough?

You didn’t win because you didn’t dare to, coward.

Lazy. Greedy. Cowardly. These are violent words. The words of gloating and shaming. The words of competition. The words of Fiat.

It Won’t Work

Even when we say we want to collaborate, we are most likely competing, aiming to dominate. That’s all we’ve learned and all we see in the world around us. And, so, that’s what we do even when we intend to do otherwise.

Name dropping & quoting authorities

  • Name dropping is a tool of competition.
  • In the Fiat world, you have to build up your credibility before people listen to you, and quoting “experts,” “authorities,” and other well known people builds your credibility.
  • So, you learn to do it all the time hoping that one day it will let you get in the real race.

Did you hit him back?

  • We are taught to be aggressive.
  • We see “successful people” get ahead by being aggressive.
Be absolutely sure
  • You know this. For sure. Absolutely. So, say it loud and clear.
  • If anybody shows incredulity, repeat yourself, this time louder and with aggressive moves.


  • Agree but rebut with your own ideas.
  • Even if you incorporate what another says, state it as your own.
  • We learn to debate, but not to collaborate.
  • And can even win debate medals.
  • Our laws are based on proving the other party wrong, even if she’s right.

Let’s Compete

We have learned this throughout our lives, just by watching the “successful” adults around us.

  • Raising your voice to signal others to shut up!
  • Interrupt to establish dominance.
  • Talking (and talking) for a long time.
  • Adding “please” at the end of direct orders.
  • Repeating yourself, over and over.
  • Even saying “sorry, but that’s what I feel” after a show of aggression is an act of competition. Even if you are sorry, the damage is done.

Competition also means,

  • Dividing people. The boss has the “strong leader” mindset. He is special.
  • Other lines of division,
    • Owners and employees.
    • Middle class and poor.
    • House owners, house renters, apartment dwellers.
    • Men and women.
    • Juveniles, Adults, Old.
    • Organized religions.
  • Polarized people are easier to lead, even to the slaughterhouse. People help each other to not submit. They are a pain to control.
  • Taking hopefulness and dignity out of work that others have to do for me, because they are not owners.
  • Hopefulness and dignity things lie outside the work I need them to do.
  • Only coins count as motivators.

Let’s Collaborate, not Compete

Sounds flaky, but keep reading. Here are some god practice,

  • Listening.
  • Paraphrasing back what you heard.
  • Celebrating.
  • Adding to others ideas.
  • Jumping in to help.
  • Disagree clearly if you don’t like something. Don’t make it an attack.
  • Don’t punch holes in others’ ideas to “win.”
  • When you hear something expressed in Fiat language, repeat in Radical lingo rather than shaming them.

Collaboration also means…,

  • Disagreeing when you think it is called for. Then working on alignment, which sometimes takes lots of effort.
  • The capacity to create something together.
  • To have my attractor dominate. It becomes meaningful when everybody agrees with me. It becomes practical when everybody works on it. It may take violence to make all agree.
  • Multiple views.
  • Moving towards a common attractor, making it meaningful.
  • Creating the conditions for this RADICAL attractor to become meaningful to others.
  • No violence is ever allowed to be involved.
  • What we are doing is meaningful to all involved.
  • I work with people who are always ready to help me find meaning and dignity.
  • There is no boss. We align, and we work and we create. It’s all decentralized but cogent.
  • Everything is fully transparent. No exceptions.
  • We consider all we do as an experiment. It either works as expected, or we learn.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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