Gravity Is Force

January 14 2023, by Matt Perez

Gravy is a force. Dark Energy is a force. Gravity is good, Dark Energy seems to be good. But force is bad.


  • Gravy is a force. Dark Energy is a force.
  • Gravity is good. Dark Energy seems to be good.
  • But force is… bad?

Once Again

  • A big person forces a small person against the ground.
  • The big guy is doing a bad thing.
  • But gravity is forcing both the big and small guy to the ground.


  • A tiger kills and lunches on a bamby-like fawn.
  • That is bad for the deer, but good for the tiger.
  • So, maybe some force is bad and some not so much.

So, People

Maybe force is bad when people apply it to other people.

It is OK to guide cattle to the slaughterhouse (?)

But, it is not OK to force people into the slaughterhouse.

It is OK for people to believe whatever they want.

But it is not OK to force people to act as if they believe what you believe.

It is OK for people to lust, eat unhealthily, want everything, lay around doing nothing, rage, envy, or show pride.

But it is not OK to force other people to do any of these things.

It is OK to have oxen pull the plow.

But it is not OK to force people to pull the plow. That would be slavery.

A child of slavery, the Fiat system forces non-owners to labor for sustenance and safety. Interestingly, in Fiat land it is celebrated the world over on Labor Day!

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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