Radical and Co-ops?

January 17 2023, by Matt Perez

Co-ops people could easily switch to be based on the Radical model.

Radical Co-Ops

Co-ops people could easily switch to be based on the Radical model.

It’d be fairly straightforward to do by breaking the “one person, one vote” rule. They could then switch to a RADs-based to a system based on contributions, not equality.

Ideally, the whole co-op makes the switch, but most likely it will be be up to individual co-op members,

  • You could give your RADs yield to a Banner. For example, if somebody puts up a Banner to clean and beautify a nearby river walk, you could give the yield of some of your RADs to it.
  • When somebody leaves the co-op, they take their RADs with them. They earned them. So, they continue to get whatever is factored through these RADs. However, they don’t receive any new ones.
  • Co-ops generally are managed by a Fiat hierarchy. It still carries the Fiat presumption that “the little people” need a boss to tell them what to do. That would be one impediment to switching.
  • Another impediment would be not wanting to change. But this evolves over time, so we are not worried about it.

Radical Co-Ops, the other Way

On the other hand, Radical-based companies could operate as co-ops. The “excess” RAD yields could be put in an account, so that everybody would get the same take-home pay.

Not sure what you would do with the excess amount. It might even lead people to not contribute.

On second thought, I don’t think this would last long, but it might be worth the experiment for some people.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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