Get Rid of Ownership

November 09 2022, by Matt Perez


Just get rid of ownership and everything will be fine. This is a recurring and dangerous fantasy. Although we have taken it to an extreme, ownership is actually a good thing.

Just get rid of ownership and everything will be fine.

A lot of well-intentioned people


Different versions of this belief seem to be eternal, … the simpler life, … home grown food, … the values of the Indigenous people. However, the various attempts at this ideal have not changed anything. We need a path to a sustainable future for our anthropocene. We need to break loose from our current system of extraction and exploitation.

Ownership, although we have taken it to an extreme in our Fiat world, is actually one of the tools that will move us forward. Not to exclude people. We simply need to decentralize it and make it available, really available, to everyone on the planet.

Corporate Ownership is Bad

In our Fiat world, what we call corporate ownership has been weaponized. For example, music is exploited for financial gain by squeezing every possible penny out of it; even your ideas belong to the company you happen to work for.

To top it off, corporate ownership is fixed, forever.

Personal Ownership is Good

On the other hand, personal ownership ∇  is a good thing: this is my house, not yours; this is your toothbrush, not mine.

We (mostly) don’t have to fight over it.

Fixed Ownership is Bad

The worst part of corporate ownership is that it is forever fixed, never changing. If you get 30% of a company, that 30% is yours forever. Your relatives can inherit it, for generations, just like Prince Charles became King of Britain after mommy Queen died, who became Queen after her dad died, who… you get the point.

Dynamic Ownership Is Good

The alternative to fixed ownership, based on force, is dynamic ownership, based on contributions.

Our RADs! application makes it possible to quantify contributions.


  • Everybody gets the RADs! app.
  • And use the app to recognize contributions as we see them.
  • Based on these contributions, the RADs! app calculates how many RADs each person gets.
  • The number of RADs a person has determines the amount of ownership she has.
  • The number of RADs one has determines the amount of tangibles (i.e., dividends, assets, brand, etc.) each person gets.


  • RADs are a dimensionless unit of measure (e.g., not a currency).
  • The recognition criteria is completely up to each person. This is what makes a decentralized distribution possible.
  • Every person gets the same number of RADs (i.e., one per day).
  • Recognitions are translated to RADs.
  • RADs are translated to tangibles.

And, also,

  • RADs represent dynamic ownership. One month I may get a lot of RADs, but next month I may not get any.
  • My percentage ownership goes up and down dynamically. For example,
  • If you have 200 RADs and I have 100, then you’ll get twice as much as me.


By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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