Yes, Capital Is Good

January 06 2023, by Matt Perez

Capital is good and goodness. We have to fix that—and we can!


In the beginning,

  • There were land enclosures
  • Enclosures decrease your means of survival and increase the enclosure master’s, now owner of the land.
  • The new owner of the land, nice as he is, lets you work his land in exchange for a wage.
  • These wages are first paid in goods and then in coins (probably minted by the owner).
  • Enclosures begat capital.
  • Owners keep the profits
  • Profits beget more capital for the owner.
  • Capital begets the Fiat system.
  • The owner later builds a factory on his land and lets you work in it as his employee.
  • You are now a piece of a big machine that is partly made up of people like you.
  • Your wage goes up and you are happier.
  • You can afford shoes for your boys; girls don’t need shoes.
  • you are starting to internalize the Fiat model of domination.
  • You only mind your work.
  • Then you toss it to the next fellow in line.

Lessons Learned

As a good employee,

  • You are docile and obedient.
  • Your work is your only source of survival.
  • You never learn that it was once possible to find dignity at work.

Unions Enter the Scene,

  • They make demands on behalf of you, the little people.
  • Unions protect you, the employee.
  • Unions make you happy, little people.
  • Wages go up and working conditions get codified.
  • Unions never question the system.
  • Unions are centralized and ruled by Fiat, just like the businesses that spawned them.

Unions Fade Away

  • Wages keep going up, in wealthy countries.
  • Wages go down in poor countries.
  • Wages become salaries for very good, educated employees.
  • Very good employees take work home.
  • Vacation time goes up, but very good employees are proud of not taking advantage of it.

Trendy Purpose

It becomes trendy for businesses to have a Purpose, capitalized. Nevertheless, they are still owned by the people with the capital (i.e., which, as you may remember, came from enclosures).

But Now…

  • Five billion people have Internet connectivity, ∇ 
  • A lot of them are getting the feeling that maybe this Fiat system is not working for them.
  • A lot of them feel that it is time for a change.
  • The Radical model enters from stage left, an alternative to the Fiat system.


By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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