Let Them Live It!

May 18 2023, by Matt Perez

People have to experience alternatives to Fiat and associate emotions with them before they can figure out if they love it, hate it, or something in between.


You can’t change the way people think. All you can do is give them a tool, the use of which will change their thinking.

R Buckminster Fuller

People have to experience alternatives to Fiat and associate emotions with them before they can figure out if they love it, hate it, or something in between. The RADs! mobile app serves that purpose,

  • It lets co-owners recognize the contributions others co-owners make. They can do so as they see them and when they see them.
  • From the recognized contributions, the app figures out the number of RADs each co-owner gets.
  • RADs give co-owners ownership of the wealth they create.
  • Revenue is factored through the RADs and makes those contributions tangible.

By: Matt Perez
Co-founder RADICAL World


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