
These are the terms of use for RADICAL, RADICAL COMPANIES, RADICAL PURPOSE, and rHATCHERY. We think traditional Terms of Use force people to agree to terms they never had the opportunity to agree with. We don’t believe in making agreements with people without their involvement. We offer our services to help people live their lives better. We honor this intent by delivering these services to you without making commitments beyond what we explicitly described in writing.


We are happy to see you use our services (websites, apps) as they are intended to be used. Our services contain information that is copyrighted and use trademarks. Of course, those rights are there to protect the intellectual property of the creator or copyright holders (though we think they should always be with the creators). You can’t lay claim to them, please respect their rights. Some of the content in our services may be licensed under Creative Commons (cc-by-sa 4.0). You can use the content as long as you give RADICAL credit by linking to the app or site. As you would expect, by using our services in ways that harm us, other people, or our technology, we reserve the right to block and report you to the appropriate authorities and seek legal remedies. We would rather understand your motivations and address our concerns, so please reach out.

What we Promise

We try to be accurate and offer help services and information. We don’t always succeed. We may make errors. We may unintentionally write, display or link to things that harm you or someone else in some way. Please reach out to help us correct or remove the offending items. Of course, you know that our services are what they are. We can’t commit to any level of service other than to provide our services as they are. These Terms of Use are intentionally human because we believe in treating people as people, not customers, users, or enemies. We would like to be treated in the same way.

Contact us

Please email us at privacy@rhatchery.com out if you have any questions or would like us to address any issues.